Convocation 2023

Your future starts now.

Congratulations on becoming a George Brown College graduate. We are so proud of all you've achieved.

Now's the time to celebrate all the hard work that went into reaching this incredible milestone.

Show your pride by using#GBClassof2023!

Everything you need to know for the big day:

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We are excited to welcome you for your ceremony at Meridian Hall, 1 Front St. E., Toronto.

Join Your New Community

Welcome to the George Brown College Alumni Community, a place to stay connected and share your career journey.

Meet your valedictorians!

Katherine Leis

2023 valedictorian Katherine Leis
Katherine's Advice

"We’ve all faced challenges, and meeting and overcoming these challenges is what makes our characters stronger. Being here today is a testament to our strength of will, our determination to achieve our goals, and our desire to succeed. Know that you are capable, you are strong, and you are worthy. Keep chasing your dreams, wherever they may take you." -Katherine Leis, Graduate 2023, Game Programming

Jasmine Silang

2023 valedictorian Jasmine Silang
Jasmine's Advice

"No matter what challenges you face, the love for what you do and the support from people around you will help carry you through difficult moments. And when there are times when you question whether any of this is worth it, just remember to give your all. Give yourself to it. Continue to do work that fuels you." -Jasmine Silang, Graduate 2023, Honours Bachelor of Brand Design

Christina Gluftsis

2023 valedictorian Christina Gluftsis
Christina's Advice

"Let us concentrate on the immediate, tangible actions we can take to move forward. It is through these small steps, each one building upon the last, that we inch closer to our personal and professional goals." -Christina Gluftsis, Graduate 2023, Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality)

Mariam Mansour

2023 valedictorian Mariam Mansour
Mariam's Advice

"Remember the faces beside you and the faces you've breezed past in the hallways. Whether you've been at George Brown College for one year, four years, or more, I'm sure we'll all cross paths again. Connections are important because the truth is, it’s the relationships we create that make our job the most rewarding. … Never lose sight of the passion that brought you here. There will be challenges ahead, but doing what you love will make the journey worth it. Take initiative and create change!" -Mariam Mansour, Graduate 2023, Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Culinary Management)

Giselle Gonçalves Prado

2023 valedictorian Giselle Goncalves-Prado
Giselle's advice

"If I can leave you today with one thought, I would say: there is no right age, no right time to change. Go after your happy Mondays. And when you find it, do it with your heart, be passionate, engage, inspire, make a difference, and be the difference! Don’t be afraid of changes; be afraid of regretting later how comfortable you were in your comfort zone." -Giselle Gonçalves Prado, Graduate 2023, Business Administration - Project Management (Co-op)

Lilly Tran

2023 valedictorian Lilly Tran
Lilly's Advice

"Let us remember to use our education as the compass that guides us through the uncharted territories of our future. And let us not forget the sage words of American country music singer and actress Reba McEntire, who reminds us that “to succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone." -Lilly Tran, Graduate 2023, Architectural Technology

Lissa James

2023 valedictorian Liisa James
Lissa's advice

"As we step into the next chapter of our lives, I implore you: 

Carry with you lessons you have learnt; 

Continue to challenge the status quo; 

And create a positive impact on the lives you serve, guided by the principles of unity, understanding and hope.

Bob Marley said it best, "One Love...”  

Lissa James, Graduate 2023, Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas

Sumayya Bobat

2023 valedictorian Sumayya Bobat
Sumayya's Advice

"As members of the care sector, let us hold steady to the late American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou’s admonition that,  'If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.'   Each of us occupies a different intersectional identity, but what brings us together and stands out to me as an overarching and unifying theme is our aim to foster a more inclusive, caring, and supportive society."-Sumayya Bobat, Graduate 2023, Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership

Loice Kasande

Learn more about Loice

Loice Kasande, Graduate 2023, Assaulted Women's and Children's Counsellor/Advocate

Chantal Veilleux

Chantal's advice

"Know that the work you are doing serves a much larger purpose than just giving you a paycheque. It’s not just a job. It’s someone’s hope; it’s someone’s life; it’s someone. Your impact on that person and the others around you is determined by how you choose to show up in everyday moments, by how present you are, and by how thoughtful and kind you choose to be. You have the power to make positive and meaningful change in the world. And it starts with the behaviours you exhibit every day. So, use these everyday moments… because every one of them is an opportunity to bring good into the world." -Chantal Veilleux, Graduate 2023, Honours Bachelor of Behaviour Analysis

Graduate walking across the Convocation stage

Can't Make It In Person?

All of your friends and family can watch you cross the convocation stage. All 2023 convocation ceremonies will bebroadcast live on YouTube.

Elements of the convocation ceremony

Ceremonial mace
Ceremonial Mace

George Brown College introduced the tradition of a ceremonial mace to Convocation in 2014. Designed and produced by George Brown students, faculty and alumni, this ornate staff is a symbol of authority, and reflects, through its design, the values of the college. While an initial mock-up of the mace was created using one of the college’s 3D printers, its production involved traditional casting, metalwork, woodwork and gemology.

A closer look reveals:

• Twenty-four rings on a walnut staff representing each school at the college.

• Rings of six woods from Ontario that signify our commitment to sustainability.

• Rings of seven metals from Ontario that represent a “sense of industry” and the applied nature of many of the programs offered at the college.

• A turtle at the base of the staff symbolizes our connection to Mother Earth and perseverance, intrinsic in the beliefs of many Indigenous nations.

• Four cameos beneath the mace’s chalice carved in the likeness of former Chancellor Sally Horsfall Eaton, former President Anne Sado, George Brown and Bill Davis, the founder of the modern college system.

• A crystal globe surrounded by carved wooden ladders inscribed with words that reflect the values of the college, including creativity, passion, charity, integrity and leadership.

• Two hand-carved trillium flowers on the top representing the province of Ontario.

George Brown College Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms

Introduced in Spring of 2019, the George Brown College coat of arms showcases our core values and celebrates our treasured links to the past. It was designed by Bruce Patterson, Deputy Chief Herald of Canada, with input from stakeholders from across the college.

Design elements include:

  • A red-tailed hawk holding birchbark, which the original inhabitants of this land used as a means of communication and recording knowledge. Trillium flowers and maple leaves represent Ontario and Canada, respectively.
  • A grid pattern that alludes to downtown city streets and the intersection of multiple learning disciplines, rendered in the college’s colours of blue and white.
  • Multiple coloured squares represent the diversity of the student body, the city of Toronto, and the different academic centres.
  • Two huskies, the mascot of our sports teams.
  • A stone wall alluding to Casa Loma, the Toronto landmark that inspired the name of one campus.
  • A wavy bar representing water, which reflects our proximity to Lake Ontario.
  • The phrase “Inspire new confidence” is a quote from the college’s namesake, the Toronto publisher, politician, and Father of Confederation George Brown.


The Eagle, or Migizi in Anishinaabemowin, is viewed by Anishinaabe people as the messenger between the people and the Creator. As a symbol of honesty and truth, the Eagle shows courage, strength and vision. It is also the predominant totem of Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation (MCFN), upon whose traditional territory George Brown is located.

The Eagle feather is the most sacred and honoured gift given to an individual and must be obtained from an Elder or Knowledge Keeper. According to the MCFN, “The Eagle is our most sacred of birds because

the Eagle carries our prayers to the Creator and is therefore heard. The Eagle is also our relative and is part of our family. As a part of our family, we must care for and respect that it has given up its life so that a person may carry its feathers.”

Eagle feathers hold great significance for some Indigenous peoples and are commonly used in ceremonies. As the late Edward Benton-Benai tells us in The Mishomis Book: The Voice of the Ojibway, “we owe our lives and lives of our children to the Eagle” due to Migizi saving us from destruction by advocating to the Creator that there were still people that remained true to their original instruction.

Star Blanket medallion
Star Blanket Medallion

In October 2021, George Brown College’s Indigenous Initiatives team unveiled a new medallion, featuring a star blanket design created by artist Joseph Sagaj. In Ojibwe teachings, the star blanket is seven-pointed and carries the seven original clans and the seven grandmother/grandfather teachings. It can represent legends, stories, events, and different perspectives of culture and heritage. A story is told through the star blanket by the reflecting elements of nature and the colours chosen.

The star blanket is symbolic and accompanies its own origin story in many Indigenous communities across Turtle Island. In Anishinaabe culture, the collective understanding is that we are the descendants of the stars and our inherent connection to the stars spans across generations.


  • The morning star that is represented in this medallion ties in our Creation to Winona, the first woman, who was lowered from the sky.
  • Yellow represents the sun.
  • Sky blue represents the wind and water.
  • Green represents mother earth.
  • Purple represents grandmother spirit.
  • Navy blue represents the raven or health.
  • Red represents thunder.